Getting started with Code Kingdoms on Micro:bit

Getting started with Code Kingdoms on Micro:bit


Code Kingdoms (aka CK) is a drag and drop editor for JavaScript available on the Micro:Bit.

Like other code editors on the MicroBit it comes with an introductory tutorial to help you get started which is what we’re going to work through now.

What you need

  • Micro:bit and USB cable


To open Code Kingdoms, click on ‘Create Code’ and select Code Kingdoms from the available options.

Microbit main screen

If it’s the first time you’ve opened this editor, it will prompt you to a complete a tutorial but otherwise you can open a tutorial from the list available in the menu.

Microbit start tutorial

The tutorial will walk you through the steps you need to take to create the example script - though it’s not always clear where the required code block is located.

Each completed step will be crossed off as you move onto the next one.

Microbit start tutorial

The required script block or ‘chunk’ will be highlighted in orange to help you identify it

Microbit main screen

It can take some time to get used to how the code blocks are organised. You have the Actions and Controls, Library, Language and Snippets menus as well as the list of tutorials available

Microbit CK menu annotated

You can restart or continue the tutorial at any stage by returning to edit your script and clicking on the tutorial name again.

Microbit CK tutorial completed


Made with by artefacto

We are Artefacto, a creative technology company specialising in learning and making for the libraries, museums, archives and galleries sectors.