Intro to Raspberry Pi

Intro to Raspberry Pi

What is it ?

The Raspberry Pi is a tiny, low-powered computer designed to help people learn programming and for use in electronics projects. It’s about the size of a credit card and needs to be connected to a TV or monitor, keyboard and mouse.

The Raspberry Pi Foundation is a registered educational charity that produce a lot of support materials and resources to help people learn about computing and using the raspberry pi.

When you first connect your raspberry Pi, you may not have an operating system installed. You can install a custom version of the Debian linux operating system made specifically for the Raspberry Pi called Rasbian.

The easiest way to install this is by using NOOBS (New Out Of the Box Software), an operating system install manager created for the Raspberry Pi. You can either buy this on an SD card that you can insert into your Raspberry Pi or you can create the SD card installer yourself.

Raspberry Pi overview


How to install and customize Rasperry Pi zero (Adafruit)

Learning Python -

Case studies

Using a raspberry Pi to install a wireless library

More info

Free Learning Resources -

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We are Artefacto, a creative technology company specialising in learning and making for the libraries, museums, archives and galleries sectors.